Desember 17, 2009


Beans, Create New Alternative Diabetes Patients

A research doctoral dissertation at the same time as a graduate student at the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) found that the beans can be a new alternative for patients with diabetes mellitus.
This was revealed in tests Yayuk dissertation submitted Andayani, Biology Study Program students graduate programs IPB for my doctorate, said the Head of Public Relations, Campaign and Alumni Relations IPB, drh Agus Lelana in Bogor, Wednesday.
In the exam on Tuesday (9 / 9) with the Commission drh Pembibing Prof. Kusuma Reviany Widjadja Phd (Chairman) with members of Prof. Dr. Slamet Suyono, Sp.PD, KEMD, Dr. drh Rimbawan and Dr. Heru Setijanto, and the Foreign Commission examiners Prof. Dr. Dr. Mulyanto (Professor of the University of Mataram) and Prof. Dr. Ir Dedi Muchhtaddi (FATETA IPB), the research results are presented with gamlang.
According to Yayuk Andayani, diabetes, a disease with high blood sugar levels which causes the sufferer would have to be careful in applying the diet.
So far, doctors often recommend that patients take the drug in the discipline, diet and exercise and avoid stress.
Recognized that many drugs currently on the market to treat diabetes, but often are expensive because the ingredients must be imported.
However, we now have diabetes do not have to worry because it was able tebukti Beans Vegetable treat diabetes mellitus.
In the dissertation research entitled "Mechanism of activity Bean Extract Antihiperglikemik Diabetes In Mice And Active Component Identification", Yayuk Andayani explained in his research he was doing experiments on white male mice aged 3 months with induction treatment of diabetes.
These mice had previously been given the green beans that extracts 30 minutes after "intentionally" made to suffer diabetes, in which eventually the pressure of blood sugar known to the rats returned to normal without experiencing a decrease in the level of hypoglycemic (blood sugar below normal).
This, he says, can be understood because the beans contain the "b-sitosterol" and "stigmasterol" that could increase the production of insulin.
In addition, a long green vegetable is in its 100 grams of carbohydrate composition having 7.81%, 0.28% fat, protein 1.77%, 2.07% crude fiber, and ash content of 0.32%.
"That way, the consumption of beans would be able to control blood sugar levels are high. So diabetes mellitus can make this as a new alternative for treating diseases which often consume a lot of casualties," he said.
For the medical world, he said, the research could be a reference to a diabetes drug to extract the beans, so the diabetes drug will be cheaper and easily available to the many materials available.
After describing the research results, expressed as Yayuk Andayani new doctor who was born IPB. (antara / *) –

Desember 16, 2009


Cinnamon and Ginger and Antioxidant Potential As Anti-Microbial

Increasing public awareness of the importance of functional food, is an opportunity that must not disiakan, including health drinks, where a health drink products sold in the market, making consumers confused vote, whether liquor is actually made from natural materials or materials dangerous chemicals.
Seeing this condition and Hanny Sedarnawati Yasni Dulimarta, researchers from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) to make a breakthrough health drink, known as Cinna-ale (ginger), as described by the Head of Public Relations IPB, drh Agus Lelana in Bogor, Tuesday.
"This health drink made from herbs native to Indonesia," he said and added that the herbs Cinnamon and ginger (Cinna-Ale) that research potential as antioxidants and antimicrobial
Material taken from this earth, Indonesia has a characteristic red color, aroma and distinctive taste. Cinna-ale's name comes from the Latin name of cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) and ginger (Zingiber officinale).
In addition to developing products Cinna Aale, both Lecturer Department of Food Technology Industrial Technology IPB, also examine aspects of the active component, the antioxidant activity and antimikrobanya.
Cinna-Ale consists of a mixture of 17 kinds of spices, the ginger, wood cup, Java chili, cinnamon, lemon grass, white pepper, black pepper, pandan leaves, cloves, nutmeg flower, anise, cardamom large, small cardamom, cumin black, deaf and mesoyi wood.
In general, the process of Cinna-ale-making involves the preparation of raw materials, extraction, filtering, dekantasi (precipitation), bottling, and sterilization.
Active components of essential oils contained in the formula include Cinna-ale is the trans-kariofilena, eugenol, miristin, N-terpinena, 1.8-sineol, terpineol, Z-sitral, geranial, 3-for, 1-limonena, and N - pinena.
The eleven components that are detected are largely responsible for the health of the human body, which can prevent colds, coughs, influenza, rheumatism, vomiting, facilitate digestion, reduce fatigue and body as Antidiarrhoeals.
In addition, Cinna-ale great potential as a natural antioxidant.
Antioxidant activity of essential oil formula that measured Cinna Ale IC50 = 56.70. China ale antioxidant activity is greater than the synthetic antioxidant activity of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), ie IC50 = 60.81.
Antioxidants can act to ward off free radicals, to form metal complexes with pro-oxidants, reducing material and decided formulation singlet oxygen that protects the body from degenerative diseases such as cancer, coronary heart disease, and diabetes.
It is evident from the results of tests in vivo using Sprague Dawley male rats. Cinna-health drink ale 10% (w / v) with pH 5.74 and total dissolved solids 3.830Brix quite effective, lowering blood serum kolesteraol at a dose of 1 ml / day.
Antimicrobial activity of essential oils is the destroyer and microbial pathogens showed that Cinna-ale has the ability to preserve, so no need to add preservatives and prevent food poisoning.
This can be seen from the activities of highly sensitive antimikrobnya inhibits the growth of Salmonella thypii (Gram-negative bacteria causes typhoid), Bacillus cereus, and Staphilococcus aureus (Gram-positive bacteria cause indigestion).
Excellence Technology Cinna-ale can be consumed in a hot, warm, or cold with a warm effect on the body that can still be felt. Cinna-ale is made from natural ingredients that terrdiri of spice native to Indonesia, has a sense of their likes and durable power of good enough.
Cinna Ale also has health benefits for the body, especially to prevent colds, coughs, influenza, rheumatism, vomiting, aid digestion, reduce body fatigue, and as Antidiarrhoeals.
In addition, this drink can prevent oxidation in the human body, so it can protect the body from degenerative diseases such as cancer, coronary heart disease, and diabetes.
Cinna-ale products is product diversification efforts in the spices, the price can compete with other beverages that have been on the market. This product will also support improving the image of Indonesian traditional food products.
We have developed a new Cinna-ale with a technique of instant spray formula dying with levels 10 percent (w / v) and fillers maltodekstrin 5 percent (w / v), and total dissolved solids ranged from 3:03-3.750Brix.
"The findings from these studies indicate that the natural ingredients from plants in Indonesia should continue to be developed because it had widespread benefits for society," said Agus Lelana. (between / rita)-


Avocado, The Healthy Green

We all know avocado, green fruit dagungnya soft, with a yummy taste .. fruit hmmmm this one is fit for any healthy meal everyday. Not just for juice, mixed ice mix, pudding but he could also for mixed salads. Ordinary eaten OK.
Although the skin is not too perfect than apple or pear and the price is cheap, but the avocado is not less 'powerful' with the other fruit. He was able to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack, because the avocado is the only fat-rich fruit, and even more modest than twice the fat content in durian.
However, we do not need to fear because fat healthy fats include avocado, because fatty acids didominasikan monounsaturated oleic that are powerful antioxidants. Fat avocado helps reduce levels of "bad cholesterol" LDL cholesterol while raising "good cholesterol" HDL cholesterol, thus significantly reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
This capability is reinforced by the content of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin E, and B-complex vitamins are abundant in avocados. Perpetrators are generally less than optimal vegetarians get fat intake, because their avoidance of meat (which is always rich in fat). Besides expect adequate intake of fat from cooking oil, avocados can be another option to meet the needs of the body will be fat.
Avocado fat is healthy fat, as found in olive oil. In addition to control of hypertension, avocados are also rich in minerals potassium, but low sodium content. The comparison base is encouraging atmosphere in our bodies.
Decreased acidity of the body (blood and tissue) will suppress the emergence of diseases caused by the body is too acidic conditions, such as allergies, headaches, panic, respiratory disorders, digestive disorders. Because the levels of folic acid and vitamin E was also high in potassium avocado is more effective in soaking hypertension and may help expedite the flow of blood.
Unlike other fruits, avocados contain almost no starch, a fruit sugar, but the abundance of cellulose fibers. These factors make the avocado is recommended as part of the menu to control diabetes. Now the main, avocado was really good for skin and hair.
Iron and copper in abundance to make avocado important in the formation of red blood cells and prevention of nutritional anemia. Combination of vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, potassium and manganya make good avocado for healthy skin and hair. With the folic acid and vitamin B, and B vitamins other, avocado ideal for stimulating the formation of collagen tissue.
You need to know, that the habit of eating without cooking fresh avocado very profitable, because the nutrients and compounds to be intact fitokimiawinya. But still it must be remembered that avocados contain fat that could make body weight increasing. (mls / Tutut)

Desember 10, 2009


Technology or trade has more than one definition. One of them is the development and application of tools, machinery, materials and processes that help people solve the problem. As a human activity, technology, started before the science and engineering.
Technology Based On Science for knowledge with the purpose to Easier Work of Man, but if the fact is fact complicates technology called Layakkah Sciences
The word often describes the discovery of the technology and tools that use the principles and processes of the new scientific discoveries found. Nevertheless, the discovery of a very long time as the wheel is also called a technology.
Another definition (used in economics) is a technology viewed from the status of our current knowledge of how to combine resources to produce the desired product (and our knowledge of what can be produced). Therefore, we can see changes in technology at our technical knowledge increases.
Branch of today's technology
• Biotechnology
• Mikroteknologi
• Nanotechnology
• Biomedical Engineering
• Electrical Engineering
• Traffic Engineering
• Industrial Technology
• Instrumentation Technology
• Computer Technology
• Nuclear Technology
• energy storage technology
• machining technology
• Technology weaponry
• Telecommunications Technology
• Appropriate technology
• Transportation Technology
• Visual Technology
• energy technology
• materials technology


Politics is the process of formation and distribution of power in society which, among other tangible decision-making process, especially in the country. [1] This understanding is a combination effort between the various different definitions of a political nature, known in political science.
Politics is the art and science to gain power constitutionally and nonkonstitusional.
Besides politics can also be traced from a different perspective, namely, among others:
• the political effort taken to bring citizens a common good (Aristotle's classical theory)
• politics are issues related to governance and the state
• politics is an activity that is directed to obtain and retain power in the community
• politics is all about the process of formulating and implementing public policy.
In the context of political understanding is necessary to understand some of the key, among others: political power, legitimacy, political systems, political behavior, political participation, political process, and is also important to know the ins and outs of the political parties.

Political Science
Political Theory
Political theory is the study of the concept of a political goal setting, how to achieve these goals and the consequences. Political discussion in the theory include political philosophy, the concept of the political system, state, society, sovereignty, power, legitimacy, state institutions, social change, political development, comparative politics, and so on.
There are many political systems developed by nations in the world include: anarchism, authoritarian, democratic, diktatorisme, fascism, federalism, feminism, religious fundamentalism, globalisme, imperialism, capitalism, communism, liberalism, libertarianism, Marxism, meritocracy, monarchy, nationalism, racism, socialism, theokrasi, totalitarianism, oligarchy, etc..
Political Institutions
In layman means an organization, but the institution could also be a habit or behavior pattern. Marriage is a social institution, well recognized by the state through the Civil KUA or in Indonesia and recognized by the community without state recognition. In this context an organization also is a pattern of behavior by giving the position on certain people to perform certain functions for the achievement of common goals, the organization can be formal or informal. Political institutions are patterned political behavior in the political field.
Election officials, the process of determining who will occupy a certain position and then perform a particular function (often as a leader in a field / specific community) is a democratic institution. Electoral institutions are generally not (or do it the Commission) but the whole pattern of behavior we find and determine who will become leaders or our representatives to sit in parliament.
The main problem in the middle of the country through the transition process to democracy such as Indonesia currently is the institutionalization of democracy. That is what makes the behavior of decision-making for and on behalf of the people could walk in accordance with democratic norms, which generally must be overcome is the change feudalistic institution (the patterned behavior is feudal, that there are certain positions to people based on birth or as a noble profession political and the other as ordinary people) into an open institution and reflects the desire of many to get welfare.
Necessary to institutionalize democracy and the legal and regulatory structural devices that will continue to encourage democratic behavior terpolanya to be a way of life. Because it is believed that with such a new real prosperity can be achieved, as each individual's rights are protected and even assisted by the state to be actualized, as each individual associated with other individuals in accordance with the norms and laws.
Party and Group
International Relations
In the classic form of international relations are relations between states, but in the development of this concept shifted to include all the interactions that take place across national borders. In its classical form of international relations is played only by the diplomats (and spies) in addition to soldiers in battle. While the new concept of international relations, international organizations, companies, nonprofit organizations, even individuals can be an actor who played an important role in international politics.
Role of multinational companies like Monsanto in the WTO (World Trade Organization / World Trade Organization) for example may be far greater than the role of the Republic of Indonesia. Transparency International corruption perceptions index report was in Indonesia has a large influence.
United Nations or the United Nations is the most important international organization, because almost all countries in the world are members. In the period of the cold war the UN must reflect the political realities of a bipolar and often can not make effective decisions, after the end of the cold war and the political reality tends to become unipolar with the United States as a hyper power Power, the United Nations become more effective relative to legitimize international action as multilateral action and rather than unilateral or unilateral action. U.S. efforts to gain support for the initiative to invade Iraq by involving the UN, is proof of the legitimacy of multilateralism needs to be done through the UN.
To overcome the various armed conflicts that often erupted rapidly in various parts of the world for example, currently there are proposals to create world peace forces (peace keeping force) which is fixed and is under UN command. This is expected to accelerate the reaction of the UN in resolving armed conflicts. When for example the UN has had such a permanent police at any time can be deployed by the Secretary General of the United Nations to operate in the UN operation. The UN police who became Civpol (Civilian Police / civilian police) East Timor's first time out of the Republic of Indonesia.
International relations has shifted away from the exclusive world of diplomats with all protocols and regularity, to the complexity of the possibility of anyone can be an actor and influence the political course of both global and local levels. On the other hand also seen the possibility of world government in the form of the United Nations, which directs the order of a nation (confederation?).
is a group of people who inhabit the territory of a country.
In political theory refers to the ability to make others do something that is not wanted. Max Weber wrote of the three sources of power: first the authority of legislation, secondly, from the mastery of violence as a weapon; third, from charisma.
state is a territorial area in which there are a number of people who lived, and have the sovereignty to run the government, and being recognized by other countries. provisions of the above is a requirement according to the establishment of a state conference in Montevideo in 1933
Figures and thinkers of political science
Political figures
Political thinkers
Figures of Political Science thinkers from the classical theorists, modern and kontempoter include: Aristotle, Adam Smith, Cicero, Friedrich Engels, Immanuel Kant, John Locke, Karl Marx, Lenin, Martin Luther, Max Weber, Nicolo Machiavelli, Rousseau, Samuel P Huntington, Thomas Hobbes, Antonio Gramsci, Harold Crouch, Douglas E Ramage.
] Indonesia
Some thinkers and writers of the material of Political Science and International Relations of Indonesia are: Miriam Budiharjo, Salim Said and Ramlan Surbakti.
Political Behavior
Political behavior or (English: Politic Behavior) is a behavior done by human beings / individuals or groups to meet their rights and obligations as a human being politik.Seorang individuals / groups are required by the state to do the right and obligation to conduct political behavior as for the definition of political behavior examples are:
• Conducting elections to choose representatives / leaders
• Following and right into a political creature who follow a political party or parties, following the organization or community organizations or NGOs lsm
• Participate in a political party
• Come to criticize or reduce political actors berotoritas
• Eligible to become political leaders
• an obligation to undertake the rights and obligations as political beings to undertake political behavior that has been set either by the constitution and applicable laws and regulations


Geography is the science of location and the similarities and differences (variation) of the spatial physical and human phenomena on the surface of the earth. The word geography comes from the Greek ge ( "earth") and graphein ( "write", or "explain").
Geography is also the name of historical books on this subject, which is famous for writing Klaudios Ptolemaios Geography (second century).
Geography is more than cartography, the study of maps. Geography is not just answer what and where on the face of the earth, but also why there and not in other places, sometimes referred to as "location in space." Geography learn this, whether caused by nature or humans. Also studied the consequences of the differences that occur.

History Geography
The Greeks were the first people known to actively explore geography as a science and philosophy, with its main thinkers Thales of Miletus, Herodotus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Aristotle, Dicaearchus of Messana, Strabo, and Ptolemy. The Romans contributed to the mapping as they explored new lands added new techniques. One technique is to Periplus, descriptions of ports and inland along the coastline to see the sailors off the coast; first example is Hanno the Navigator of Carthaginia and one from Erythraea Sea, the two survivors at sea using a technique Periplus by recognizing the Red Sea coastline and the Persian Gulf.
In the Middle Ages, Arabs such as al-Idrisi, Ibn Battuta and Ibn Khaldun maintain and continue to build a legacy of the Greeks and Romans. Marco Polo's journey, geography spread throughout Europe. During the Renaissance and the 16th century and 17 great voyages of the theoretical foundation for a more detailed and accurate. Geography generalists by Bernhardus Varenius and Gerardus Mercator world map is the biggest example.
After the 18th century, geography had become recognized as a discrete discipline and became part of the curriculum at universities in Europe (mainly in Paris and Berlin), but not in the United Kingdom where geography is taught only as a sub-discipline from other disciplines. One of the great works of this period was Kosmos: a sketch of a physical description of the Universe, by Alexander vom Humboldt.
For more than two centuries the quantity of knowledge and assistant devices are found. There is a strong relationship between geography to geology and botany, as well as economics, sociology and demography.
In the west, during the 20th century, the discipline of geography through four major phases: environmental determinism, regional geography, the quantitative revolution, and critical geography.
Environmental determinism is the theory that human and cultural characteristics caused by the natural environment. Deteriminisme fanatical adherents of the environment was Carl Ritter, Ellen Churchill Semple and Ellsworth Huntington. Popular hypotheses included "heat makes inhabitants of the tropics lazy" and "frequent changes in air pressure at latitude regions are making people more intelligent". Environmental determinist geographers try to make the study of such an influential theory. Around the 1930s this idea widely repudiated as lacking any basis and being prone to generalizations (often bigoted). Environmental determinism remains an embarrassment to many contemporary geographers, and leads to skepticism among geographers with claims of environmental influence on culture (such as Jared Diamond's theory).
Reaffirm regional geography topic of geography was space and place. Regional geographers focused on the collection of descriptive information about a place, as well as the appropriate method to divide the world into several regions. The philosophical basis of this study was introduced by Richard Hartshorne.
The quantitative revolution was geography's attempt to redefine itself as a science (science), in the wake of interest in science following the launch of Sputnik. Quantitative revolutionaries, often referred to as "space cadets", states that the purpose of geography was to test the general agreement on the spatial arrangement of phenomena. They adopted the philosophy of positivism from the natural sciences and mathematics - especially statistics - as a way to test the hypothesis. The quantitative revolution laid the groundwork for the development of Geographic Information System.
Although the approach of positivism and post-positivist remain important in geography, and critical geography arose as a critique of positivism. The first is the emergence of human geography. Drawing on the philosophies of existentialism and phenomenology, humanist geographers (such as Yi-Fu Tuan) focused on humans and its relationship with the place. More influential was Marxist geography, which applied the social theories of Karl Marx and his followers to geographic phenomena. David Harvey and Richard Peet are well-known Marxist geographers. Feminist geography, as the name suggests, uses ideas from feminism in geographic contexts. The most recent strain of critical geography is the geography of the post-modernists, who took the idea of post-modernist theory and post-structuralists to explore the social construction of spatial relations.
Spatial relations is the key to this synoptic science, and using maps as the main tool. Classical cartography combined with geographic analysis approach that is more modern then produce Geographic Information System (GIS)-based computer.
Geographers use four interrelated approaches:
• Systematic - Groups geographical knowledge into categories that can be explored globally
• Regional - Learn a systematic relationship between the categories for a particular region or location on the planet.
• Descriptive - Simply specifies the locations of features and populations.
• Analytical - Asks why we find a problem and populations in specific geographic areas.
Physical Geography
This branch focuses on geography as an Earth science, using biology to understand the patterns of global flora and fauna, and mathematics and physics to understand the movement of the earth and its relationship with members of another solar system. It also includes landscape ecology and environmental geography.
Related Topics: atmosphere - archipelago - continent - desert - island - the form of the earth - ocean - sea - river - lake - ecology - climate - soil - geomorphology - biogeography - Timeline of geography, paleontology - paleogeografi - hydrology.
Human geography
Branches of non-physical geography also called anthropogeography focus on the social science, non-physical aspects that cause the phenomenon of the world. Study how humans adapt to the land and to other people, and the macroscopic transformation of how humans play a role in the world. Can be divided into: economic geography, political geography (including geopolitics), social geography (including geography town), feminist geography and military geography.
Related Topics: The countries in the world - country - nation - state - personal union - province - county - city - municipality
Human-environment geography
During the period of environmental determinism, geography was not a study of spatial relationships, but about how humans and the environment interact. although understanding of environmental determinism has died out, there is still a strong tradition of geographers addressing the relationships between people and nature. There are two areas of human-environment geography: the political ecology and cultural impact of risk-reduction research. many environments that have been destroyed by humans, should have a human duty to maintain and preserve the environment, nature may have strong ankan not stand it anymore.
Planning and Regional Development
Geography Branch is a relatively new branch. Developed around 1980 by the European Geografiwan, especially from the Netherlands. As University cooperation between the two countries carried out, some experts Geography Dutch origin participated in the transplant program at UGM lecturers. The result was the birth of a new course called Studies Program Planning and Regional Development is now better known as Regional Development Studies Program. Before standing became a separate discipline that combines science with Science Geography of Regional Planning, the project is known as the Rural and Regional Development Planning (RRDP).
Cultural and political ecology
Cultural ecology emerged as the work of Carl Sauer in geography and thinking in anthropology. Cultural ecological study how humans adapt to their natural environment. Science sustainability (sustainability) and grew from this tradition. Political ecology arose when some geographers used aspects of critical geography to look at relations of power and how they affect humans. For example, an influential study by Michael Watts argued that famines in the Sahel are caused by changes in political and economic systems in the region as a result of colonialism and the spread of capitalism.
Risk-reduction research
Research on hazards began by Gilbert F. White, who tries to understand why people live in flood plains in disaster-prone. Since then, this area developed into a multi-discipline by studying natural disasters (like earthquakes) and technological disasters (such as nuclear reactor meltdowns). Geographers studying hazards are interested in the dynamics of the disaster and how people and societies deal.
Historical geography
This branch of seeking an explanation of how the culture of various places on earth to grow and become like now. A study of the earth is one of many keys in this field - much can be deduced about the influence of past societies on the environment and surroundings.
What's in a name? Historical geography and the Berkeley campus
"Historical Geography" course, a reciprocal effect of geography and history. But in the United States, has a meaning more specific. The name was introduced by Carl Ortwin Sauer of the University of California, Berkeley to his program of reorganizing cultural geography (some say all geography) in all areas, starting in the early 20th century.
For Sauer, the face of the earth and the cultures in it could only be understood when studying the effects (physical, cultural, economic, political, environmental) through history. Sauer emphasizes the study area as the only way to get the specifics of the region above the earth.
Sauer's philosophy is the main building geographic thought in America in the mid-20th century. Until now the study area was still part of geography departments on college campuses in the U.S.. But many geographers think this would endanger the science of geography itself for the long term: the cause is too much data collection and classification, while the analysis and too little explanation. This study became more area specific as later geographers trying to find the right name for this. Perhaps this is what caused the crisis in the 1950s that nearly destroyed geography as an academic discipline.
Geographic Techniques
Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing is a translation of the term remote sensing is the science, technology and art in obtaining information about objects or phenomena in the (near) the earth's surface without direct contact with the object or phenomenon under study, but through the media objects or phenomena recorders that use energy derived of electromagnetic waves and make the results of the recording in the form of images. Understanding 'with no direct contact' here can be interpreted in a narrow and broad. Narrowly means that there is no contact between objects with analysts, such as satellite imagery data is processed and transformed into a map of surface temperature distribution at the time of recording. Broadly means that the contact is possible in the form of activity 'ground truth', namely the collection of field samples to base modeling through interpolation and extrapolation to the region is much broader and at higher Detail.
At the beginning of remote sensing is less seen as part of geography, cartography compared. Even so, they gradually realized that remote sensing is the only major tool in geography that could provide Synoptic overview - the view succinctly but thoroughly - over an area as a starting point for further study. Remote sensing is also capable of producing various kinds of spatial information in the context of ecological and regional studies that characterize the geographical. In addition, the percentage side, remote sensing education in the United States, Australia and Europe over many areas of science provided by (department, 'school' or school) geography.
In terms of the method used, known as remote sensing methods of manual or visual and digital remote sensing methods. Remote sensing image using printed manual or 'hard copy' (aerial photographs, image scans skaner on airplanes and satellites) through the analysis and interpretation manual / visua]. Using digital remote sensing images in digital format, such as digital cameras captured, scanned aerial photographs that sudha printed, and scanned by the satellite sensor, and analyzed with computer assistance. Both manual and digital methods to produce maps and reports. Map of the manual method can be converted into digital thematic maps through digitisasi process (often termed digitasi). Manual method is also sometimes done with the help of computers, namely through the process of interpretation on the screen (on-screen digitisation), which directly reduce the digital map. Digital image analysis methods reduce digital thematic maps directly. Digital maps can be tersebutd out'lay 'and printed for a cartographic product (called the base cartographic dat), but can also menjaid input (input) in a geographic information system as a geographic database. Maps to menjaid next toak point in running the study geografiwan geography.
Cartography study the representation of the earth's surface with abstract symbols. You could say, without much controversy, cartography is the cause of the widespread geography studies. Most geographers recognize that their interest in geography began when they were fascinated by the maps in their childhood. although other subdisciplines of geography rely on maps to show the results of analysis, creation of maps is abstract enough to be regarded separately.
Cartography evolved from a collection of techniques into an actual science. Cartographers have to understand the cognitive psychology and ergonomics to create a symbol of what is appropriate for representing information about the earth that can understand other people effectively, and behavioral psychology to influence the reader understand the information made. They also must learn geodesy and mathematics are not simple to understand how the shape of the Earth affects the distortion of the projection into the plane.
Geographic Information System
Geographic Information Systems deals with the storage of information about the earth with a computer automatically via the information accurately. In addition to the other subdisciplines of geography, GIS specialists must understand computer science and database systems. GIS cartographic revolution so that now nearly all mapmaking is created with the software (software) SIG.
Quantitative Methods Geography
Geographic quantitative methods deal with numerical methods peculiar to (or at least most commonly found) in geography. In addition to the spatial analysis, you may find the cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and test non-parametric statistics in geographic studies.
Related Fields
Urban and Regional Planning
City and regional planning to use geography to help learn how to build (or not develop) the land according to certain criteria, such as safety, beauty, economic opportunities, preservation of the built or natural heritage, and so on. City planning, both small towns and big cities, or rural planning might be regarded as though the applied geography may be seen more art and history lessons. Some of the issues facing planning among the rural exodus and the city and Smart Growth (Smart Growth).
Regional Science
In the 1950s, regional science movement arose, led by Walter Isard to generate more quantitative and analytical base to geographical questions, in response to the qualitative approach of traditional geography programs. Regional science knowledge of the spatial dimension plays a fundamental role, such as regional economics, resource management, location theory, urban and regional planning, transportation and communication, human geography, population distribution, landscape ecology and environmental quality.
Geography of Higher Education
In Indonesia, the open university geography courses as a pure science only two public universities (University of Indonesia (UI) and UGM (Universitas Gadjah Mada) and one private university (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta). The Geography of Education courses in 45 universities.
UGM, Geography has evolved further to become a separate faculty since 1963, the Faculty of Geography. We have already had a high education level of the D3 (diploma) Remote Sensing and GIS, S1, S2 and S3. Faculty of Geography Gadjah Mada University also studied the area of Planning and Development.

In the UI, the Department of Geography Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA). Geography studied as part of applied sciences in parallel with pure Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
UMS Faculty of Geography was founded by a number of alumni and faculty Faculty of Geography Gadjah Mada University. The Geography of Higher Education Alumni then formed a professional association called the Association of Indonesian Geografiwan (IGI). In addition, in a more narrow container, the Geografiwan from GMU also has a container Geografiwan Association Gadjah Mada University (abbreviated IGEGAMA).
Bakosurtanal, one non-departmental government institution (Officials) met many alumni Geography, both from the UI, UGM and UMS.


Science is the conscious effort to explore, discover and enhance human understanding of the various aspects of reality in human nature [1]. These aspects are limited to formulations produced definite. Science provides certainty by limiting the scope of his views, and the certainty of science obtained from limitations [2].

Example: Natural Sciences can only be sure after the field is limited bahani into things (material only), or the science of psychology can only predict human behavior, if limiting the scope of his views to the general terms of concrete human behavior. With regard to this example, the natural sciences to answer questions about how far away the sun from the earth, or the science of psychology to answer whether a suitable young woman to become a nurse.

* 1 Etymology
* 2 The requirements of science
* 3 models, theories, and laws
* 4 Mathematics and the scientific method
* 5 The areas of science
o 5.1 Natural science
o 5.2 Social Sciences
Applied science o 5.3
* 6 theme-related
* 7 See also
* 8 See also
* 9 External links
o Resource 9.1

[edit] Etymology

The word science itself is a loan word from the Arabic 'ilm "[3] which means understanding, understand, or know. In regard to the absorption of said, science may mean to understand a knowledge, and social sciences can mean knowing the social problems, and so forth.
[edit] The requirements of science

In contrast to knowledge, science is a special knowledge which the person knows what the cause of something and why. There's something scientific requirements can be called science [4]. Scientific nature of science as a requirement paradigm influenced the natural sciences that already exist first.

1. Objective. Science must have an object of study consists of one group of the same issues nature of nature, looking from the outside and form from the inside. Object can be there, or maybe there still must be tested for existence. In a study object, which sought is the truth, the correspondence between knowing the object, and so-called objective truth, not subjective based on research subject or the subject of research support.
2. Methodists were the efforts made to minimize the possibility of irregularities in the search for truth. The consequence of this effort is to have a certain way to ensure the certainty of truth. Methodist derived from the Greek word "Metodos" which means: way, road. In general, methodical means that certain methods used and generally refers to the scientific method.
3. Systematic. On his way trying to find out and describe an object, the science must be broken down and terumuskan in regular contact and thus form a logical system that meant a whole, comprehensive, integrated, able to explain the sequence of cause and effect regarding the object. Knowledge arranged systematically in a causal sequence is the third science requirement.
4. Universal. Truth to be achieved is the universal truth of a general (non-specific). Example: all 180 º angled triangle. Hence the universal is the fourth science requirement. Later, the social sciences to realize the level of general (universal) which contains different from the natural sciences since its object is human action. Therefore, to achieve the level of universality in the social sciences, must be available and a specific context.

[edit] Modeling, theory, and the law

Main article: Scientific method

The term "model", "hypothesis", "theory", and "law" has different meanings in science than the general understanding. The scientists use the term model to explain something, in particular that can be used to make assumptions that can be tested by experiment / experiment or observation. One hypothesis is that allegations not supported or proved by experiment, and the laws of physics or the laws of nature is a scientific generalization based on empirical observation.
[edit] Mathematics and the scientific method

Mathematics is very important for science, especially in the role it plays in expressing scientific model. Observing and collecting the results of measurements, as a hypothesis and conjecture, would require a mathematical model and exploitation. Branch of mathematics that is often used in science including calculus and statistics, although virtually all branches of mathematics has its application, even the field of "pure" as number theory and topology.

Some thinkers see mathematicians as scientists, with the assumption that a mathematical proof-proof equivalent to the experiment. Some others do not regard mathematics as a science, because it does not require experimental tests of the theory and hypothesis. However, the assumption behind it, the fact the importance of mathematics as a very useful tool to describe / explain the universe has become a major issue for the philosophy of mathematics.

See Eugene Wigner, The unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics.

Richard Feynman said, "Mathematics is not real, but it felt real. Where is the place to be?", While Bertrand Russell was pleased to define mathematics as "a subject that we never know what we're talking about, and we do not know all the truth." ->
[edit] Fields of science
[edit] Natural science

* Physics
o Acoustics
o Astrodinamika
o Astrophysics
o Astronomy
o Biophysics
o Physics Atomic, Molecular, and Optical
o Physics of solid materials
o Physics computing
o Dynamics
o Fluid Dynamics
o Vehicle Dynamics
o Physics materials
o Mathematical Physics
o Nuclear Physics
o Particle physics (or high energy physics)
o Plasma Physics
o Physics of polymer
o Cryogenic
o Mechanics
o Optics

* Biology
o Anatomy
o Physical Anthropology
o Astrobiologi
o Biochemistry
o Biophysics
o Bioinformatics
o Freshwater Biology
o Cell Biology
o Biological structures
o Molecular Biology
o Biological growth
o Biology evolutionary growth ( "Evo-devo" or the evolution of growth)
Biology o sea
o Botany
o Ecology
o Entomology
o Epidemiology
o Evolution (Evolutionary biology)
o Fikologi (Algologi)
o phylogeny
o Physiology
o Genetics (Population Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics)
o Histology
o Health Sciences
+ Pharmacology
+ Hematology
+ Imunoserologi
+ Medical
+ Dentistry
Veterinary +
+ Oncology (cancer science)
+ Toxicology
o Neuroscience
o Immunology
o Kladistika
o Microbiology
o Morphology
o Ontogeny
o Pathology
o cytology
o Taxonomy
o Virology
o Zoological

* Chemistry
o Biochemistry
o Electrochemistry
o Materials science
o Analytical chemistry
o Inorganic Chemistry
o Physical Chemistry
o computational chemistry
Quantum chemistry o
o Organic Chemistry
o Spectroscopy
o Stereochemistry
o Thermochemistry

* Earth Science
o Geodesy
o Geography
o Geology
o Limnology
o Meteorology
o Oceanography
o Paleontology
o Seismology

[edit] Social sciences

* Anthropology
o Archaeological
* Economy
* Political Science
* Linguistics (Language Sciences)
* Psychology
o Analysis of behavior
o Biopsychology
o neuropsychology
o Psikofisika
o Psychometric
o Psychological experiments
o Forensic Psychology
o Psychology humanist
o industrial and organizational psychology
o Psychology of personality
o Health Psychology
o Clinical Psychology
o Cognitive Psychology
o Psychology of education
o Psychology growth
o psychology sensation and perception
o Social Psychology
* Sociology
* Law

[edit] Applied Sciences

* Computer science and informatics
o Computer Science
o Cognitive Sciences
o Informatics
o Cybernetics
o Systemics
* Engineering
o biomedical science
o Agricultural Sciences
o Electrical Engineering
o Agricultural Engineering


Physics (Greek: φυσικός (physikos), "natural", and φύσις (physis), "Nature") is the science or the science of nature in the widest sense. Physics study of natural phenomena that are not life or matter within the scope of space and time. Physicists or physicists studying the behavior and properties of matter in a very diverse field, ranging from submikroskopis particles that form all the material (particle physics) to the behavior of the material universe as a whole cosmos.
Some properties are studied in physics is a trait that is present in all material existing systems, such as the law of conservation of energy. Such properties are often referred to as the laws of physics. Physics is often referred to as "the most fundamental science", because every other natural sciences (biology, chemistry, geology, etc.) to learn certain types of material systems that obey the laws of physics. For example, chemistry is the science of molecules and chemicals are formed. The nature of a chemical substance determined by the nature of the shape of molecules, which can be explained by physics such as quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and elektromagnetika.
Physics is also closely related to mathematics. Many physical theories expressed in mathematical notation, and the mathematics used is usually more complicated than the mathematics used in other science fields. The difference between physics and mathematics are: physics related to the description of the material world, whereas mathematics associated with abstract patterns are not always associated with the material world. However, this difference is not always apparent. There are vast areas of research are intersecting between physics and mathematics, namely mathematical physics, who developed the mathematical structure of physical theories.

Physics research at a Glance
Theoretical and experimental physics
The culture of physics research differs from other sciences because of the separation of theory and experiment. Since the twentieth century, most individual physicists specializing in theoretical physics research or experimental physics course, and in the twentieth century, few are successful in both fields. In contrast, almost all theorists in biology and chemistry is also a successful experimentalists.
Simply put, theorists tried to develop a theory that can explain experimental results that have been tried and can predict the results of experiments to come. Meanwhile, experimentalists develop and implement experiments to test the theoretical prediction. Although theory and experiment is developed separately, they are interdependent. Progress in physics usually arise when experimentalists make a discovery that could dijelaska existing theory, which requires that defined the new theories. Without experiments, theoretical research often walked in the wrong direction; one example is the M-theory, a theory popular in the high-energy physics, because experiments to test them have not been compiled.
The main physical theories
While discussing a wide range of physical systems, there are several theories used in physics as a whole, not in one area. Each theory is believed to be true, in particular the validity region. For example, the theory of classical mechanics can explain the movement of objects correctly, as long as this thing bigger than atoms and moving at speeds much slower than the speed of light. These theories are still studied; for example, remarkable aspect of classical mechanics known as chaos theory was discovered in the twentieth century, three centuries after formulated by Isaac Newton. However, only a few physicists who think the basic theories are distorted. Therefore, these theories are used as the basis for research into more specific topics, and all principals of physics, whatever specialty, are expected to understand these theories.

The main fields in physics
Research in physics is divided into several areas of study different aspects of the material world. Condensed matter physics, estimated as the biggest physics, studying properties of objects, such as solids and liquids we encounter every day, which comes from property and mutual interaction of atoms. The field of atomic physics, molecular, and optical dealing with individual atoms and molecules, and the way they absorb and remove the light. The field of particle physics, also known as "high-energy physics", studied the properties super-small particles smaller than atoms, including the basic particles that make up the other object. Finally, the field of astrophysics applies the laws of physics to explain the astronomical phenomena, ranging from the sun and other objects in the solar system to the universe as a whole.

Related field
There are many areas of research that mixes physics with other fields. For example, the specialized field of biophysics to the role of physics principles in biological systems, and quantum chemistry study how the theory of quantum mechanics gives an increase of the chemical properties of atoms and molecules. Some recorded below:
Acoustics - Astronomy - Biophysics - Physics calculation - Electronics - Engineering - Geophysics - Materials science - Physics math - Medical Physics - Chemical Physics - The Dynamics of vehicles - Physics Education
False theories
Cold fusion - the dynamic theory of gravity - luminiferous aether - orgone energy - theory of fixed
Main article: History of physics. See also the famous physicist and Nobel Prize in Physics.
Since time immemorial, people have tried to understand the nature of things: why objects that are not supported fall to the ground, why different materials have different properties, and so on. Another is the nature of the universe, such as the shape of the Earth and nature of celestial objects like the Sun and the Moon.
Some theories proposed and many of the wrong. A lot depends on the theory of the term philosophy, and was never confirmed by systematic experiments such as popular today. There are exceptions and anachronisms: for example, the Greek thinker Archimedes lowered many correct quantitative descriptions of mechanics and hydrostatics.
In the early 17th century, Galileo opens the use of experiments to confirm the theory of physics, which is the key to the methods of science. Galileo formulate and successfully tested several results from the mechanical dynamics, especially the inert Law. In 1687, Isaac Newton publishes Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, provides a clear explanation and a successful physical theories: Newton's laws of motion, which is the source of classical mechanics and Newton's Law of Gravitation, which describes the basic force of gravity. These theories fit in the experiment. Prinsipia also included several theories in fluid dynamics. Classical mechanics major developed by Joseph-Louis de Lagrange, William Rowan Hamilton, and others, who created the formula, principles, and new results. Law of gravity began astrophysics, which describes astronomical phenomena using physical theories.
From the 18th century onwards, thermodynamics was developed by Robert Boyle, Thomas Young, and many others. In 1733, Daniel Bernoulli used statistical arguments in classical mechanics to derive thermodynamic results, start the field of statistical mechanics. In 1798, Benjamin Thompson demonstrated the conversion of mechanical work in the heat, and in 1847 James Joule stated the law of conservation of energy, in the form of Panasa also in mechanical energy.
The nature of electricity and magnetism studied by Michael Faraday, George Ohm, and others. In 1855, James Clerk Maxwell unify the two phenomena into a single theory of electromagnetism, described by Maxwell's equations. Estimates of this theory is the light is an electromagnetic wave.
Future directions
The main article for this section are: unsolved problems in physics
Physics research is constant progress in many areas, and would remain so far in the future.
Condensed matter physics, theoretical problems is the biggest unsolved explain high-temperature superconductivity. Many attempts were made to make spintronik and quantum computers work.
In particle physics, the first piece of experimental evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model have begun to produce. The most famous is the designation that the neutrino has a mass of non-zero. The results of this experiment appears to have completed the solar neutrino problem which has long stood in the physics of the sun. Large neutrino physics is an experimental research area and the current theory. In the next few years, particle accelerators will begin to examine the energy scale in the range of TEV, which in which the experimentalists hope to find evidence for the Higgs boson and particles supersimetri.
The theory also tries to menyatikan quantum mechanics and general relativity into a theory of quantum gravity, a program that has been running for half a century, and still not produce fruit. The next candidate for M-theory, superstring theory and loop quantum gravity.
Many astronomical phenomena and kosmologikal not yet satisfactorily explained, including the existence of cosmic rays of ultra-high energy, baryon asymmetry, pemercepatan acceleration of the universe and the galaxy rotation anomaly.
Although much progress has been made in the high-energy, quantum, and astronomical physics, many everyday phenomena other concerns complex systems, chaos, or turbulens still little understood. Complex problems that seem to be solved by a clever application of dynamics and mechanics, such as the formation of sand piles, "node" in water "trickling", katastrof theory, or self-sorting in a heterogeneous collection of vibrating still unsolved. This complex phenomenon has received more attention since the 1970s for several reasons, not the other due to lack of modern mathematical methods and computers that can calculate the complex system to be modeled in new ways. The relationship between the discipline of complex physics also has increased, as in turbulens lessons in aerodynamics or the observation of pattern formation in biological systems. In 1932, Lamb Horrace predicted:

"I'm old now, and when I die and go to heaven there are two things that I hope can be explained. One is quantum electrodynamics, and another is the movement of fluid turbulens. And I am more optimistic on the first ".


Globalization is a term that has a relationship with and dependence on increased interconnection between nations and between peoples around the world the world through trade, investment, travel, popular culture, and other forms of interaction other so that the boundaries of a country is skewed.
In many ways, globalization has many similar characteristics with internationalization, so these two terms are often interchangeable. Some parties use the term globalization is often associated with a reduced role of the state or national boundaries.

The word "globalization" is taken from the global word, whose meaning is universal. Globalization does not have an established definition, but just a definition of work (working definition), so depending on which side one looks at it. Some see it as a social process, or processes of history, or natural process that will bring all nations and countries around the world increasingly bound to one another, create a new life order or unity of co-existence by eliminating geographic boundaries, economic and cultural community.
On the other hand, some see globalization as a project that was carried by the superpower countries, so that people could have a negative outlook or suspicious. From this standpoint, globalization is nothing but capitalism at its most recent. Countries a strong and rich will practically control the world economies and small states increasingly powerless not being able to compete. Therefore, globalization is likely to greatly affect the world economy, and even affect other areas such as culture and religion. Theodore was a passer-Levitte first time using the term globalization in 1985.
Features of globalization
Here are some features that indicate the growing phenomenon of globalization in the world.

Lower mudiknya ships goods to show linkages between countries in the world of human
• Changes in the concept of space and time. The development of items such as mobile phones, satellite television, and Internet show that the global communication occurs so rapidly, while the movement of such mass tourism allows us to feel a lot of things from different cultures.
• Market and economic production in countries different to be mutually dependent as a result of the growth of international trade, increasing influence of multinational companies, and the dominance of such organizations of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
• Increased cultural interaction through the development of mass media (especially television, movies, music, and the transmission of news and international sports). This time, we can eat and experience new ideas and experiences on matters across a wide range of cultures, for example in the field of fashion, literature, and the food.
• Increased problems with, for example in the field of environment, multinational crisis, regional inflation and others.
Kennedy and Cohen concluded that this transformation has brought us to the globalisme, a new awareness and understanding that the world is one. Giddens asserts that most of us realize that we are actually taking part in a world that must be controlled to change without marked by taste and feel the same interest in things, change and uncertainty, and the fact that may occur. Similarly, Peter Drucker mentioned globalization as an era of social transformation.
The theory of globalization
Cochrane and Pain confirms that in relation to globalization, there are three positions that can be seen teroritis, namely:
• The globalis believe that globalization is a reality that has real consequences for how people and institutions around the world running. They believe that states and local culture will be lost buffeted by the global economic culture and homogeneous. however, the globalis do not have the same opinion about the consequences of the process.
• The positive and optimistic globalis respond well to such developments and stated that globalization will result in a tolerant world community and responsible.
• The pessimistic globalis argue that globalization is a negative phenomenon because it is actually a form of western colonialism (especially the United States) which forced a number of forms of cultural and consumption of a homogeneous and visible as a true surface. Some of them later formed a group to oppose globalization (anti-globalization).
• The traditionalists do not believe that globalization is happening. They argue that this phenomenon is a mere myth or, if any, have been exaggerated. They refer that capitalism has become an international phenomenon for hundreds of years. What we experienced today is an advanced stage, or evolution, from the production and trading capital.
• The transformasionalis was among the globalis and traditionalists. They agreed that the impact of globalization has been greatly exaggerated by the globalis. However, they also argued that the very foolish if we deny the existence of these concepts. This theoretical position argues that globalization should be understood as "a set of interlocking relationships with purely through a force, most of which do not occur directly". They claimed that this process can be reversed, especially when it is negative or, at least, can be controlled.
History of globalization
Many historians who call globalization as a phenomenon in the 20th century is associated with the rise of the international economy. And the interaction and globalization in international relations in the world has existed since many centuries ago. When traced, the seeds of globalization have grown as people begin to recognize antarnegeri trade around 1000 and 1500 AD At that time, traders from China and India began to explore another country either by road (such as the silk route) and the sea road to trade.

McDonald's phenomenon in the development of parts of the world shows seluroh globalization has
The next phase is marked by the domination of Muslim trade in Asia and Africa. Muslims form a trading network that included Japan, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malacca, India, Persia, the East African coast, Mediterranean Sea, Venice, and Genoa. In addition to forming a trade network, the Muslim merchants also disseminate the values of religion, the names, alphabet, architecture, social and cultural values to the citizens of the Arab world.
The next phase is marked by exploration of the world on a large scale by Europeans. Spanish, Portuguese, English, and Dutch is a pioneer, a pioneer of this exploration. This is supported also by the industrial revolution that increase linkages between nations of the world. various technologies started in and be the basis of current technological developments, such as computers and the Internet. At the time, flourished in the world of colonization brought a major influence on the diffusion of culture in the world.
Industry and the growing need for raw materials and markets also raises a variety of multinational companies in the world. In Indinesia example, since the open door policy, European companies to open many branches in Indonesia. Freeport and Exxon of the United States, Unilever of the Netherlands, British Petroleum of the UK are some examples. Multinational companies like this continue to be icons of globalization to date.
The next phase went ahead and got the momentum when the cold war ended and the collapse of communism in the world. The collapse of communism seemed to provide justification that capitalism is the best way to realize prosperity in the world. By implication, the world's nations began to provide themselves as a free market. This is supported also by the development of communication and transportation technologies. As a result, insulation, insulation between countries also began to blur.
Public reaction
Pro-globalization movement
Supporters of globalization (often also called the pro-globalization) consider that globalization can improve the welfare and economic prosperity of the world community. They are relying on the theory of comparative advantage that is triggered by David Ricardo. This theory states that a country with other countries are interdependent and can be mutually beneficial to each other, and one of its forms is the dependence of the economy. The two countries can do an exchange transaction in accordance with comparative advantage they have. For example, Japan has a comparative advantage in the digital camera products (capable of printing more efficient and high quality) while Indonesia has a comparative advantage in the fabric products. With this theory, Japan is recommended to stop the production of cloth and transfer of production factors to maximize the production of digital cameras, and then covered with a cloth shortage of supply purchased from Indonesia, and vice versa.
One major obstacle is the cooperation of the above restrictions and protectionist policies of the government of a country. On the one hand, this policy can protect domestic production, but on the other hand, this will increase the production cost of imported goods so difficult to penetrate the targeted country markets. The pro-globalisme not agree that there are protections and prohibitions, they want to do free trade policies so that the price of goods can be suppressed, as a result the demand will increase. Because the demand increases, prosperity will increase and so on.
Some pro-globalisme groups also criticized the World Bank and IMF, they argue that both the agency and the only control flow of funds to a country, not to a cooperative or company. As a result, many loans they gave to fall into the hands of dictators who then manipulate and use those funds as appropriate, to leave people in debt loops, and as a result, the level of prosperity will decline. Because decreased levels of prosperity, the country's society as a result was forced to reduce their consumption levels, including the consumption of imported goods, so that the rate of globalization will be blocked and - according to them - to reduce the level of welfare of the world's population.
Anti-globalization movement
The main article for this section are: anti-globalization

Anti-globalization movement
Anti-globalization is a general term used to describe the political attitudes of people and groups who oppose global trade agreements and institutions that regulate trade among countries such as the World Trade Organization (WTO).
"Anti-globalization" is considered by some as a social movement, while others consider them as a general term which covers a number of social movements different. Whatever the intention, the participants were united in opposition to the economy and the global trading system today, which erodes their living environment, labor rights, national sovereignty, the third world, and many other causes.
However, people who are branded "anti-globalization" is often reject the term, and they prefer to call themselves as the Global Justice Movement, the Movement of All Movement, or some other term.
Economic Globalization
Economic globalization is a process of economic activities and trade, that countries around the world into one market forces increasingly integrated with the territorial borders unimpeded state. Economic globalization requires the elimination of all restrictions and barriers to the flow of capital, goods and services.
As economic globalization occurs, the boundaries of a country will become blurred and the linkages between national economies with the international economy will be even tighter. Economic globalization on the one hand will open the market opportunities of the domestic products to international markets competitively, otherwise the entry is also open opportunities of global products into the domestic market.
According to Tanri Abeng, the real manifestation of economic globalization, among other things in the following forms:
• Globalization of production, where the company produces in various countries, with the goal menajdi production costs to be lower. This is done either because of low labor costs, tariffs are low, adequate infrastructure or because of political and business climate conducive. In this world becomes a global manufacturing locations.

The presence of foreign workers is a symptom of the globalization of labor
• Globalization of financing. Global companies have access to obtain loans or make investments (whether in the form of direct or portfolio) in all countries in the world. For example, PT Telkom in a telephone unit reproduce, or PT Jasa Marga in expanding the highway network has used the system with the pattern of financing BOT (build-operate-transfer) with mitrausaha overseas.
• Globalization of labor. Global companies will be able to use labor from around the world according to its class, such as the use of professional staff drawn from workers who have international experience or ordinary unskilled laborers from developing countries. With the globalization of human movement becomes easier and free.
• Globalization of information networks. Society of a country easily and quickly obtain information from the countries in the world due to technological advances, among others through: TV, radio, print media etc.. With a growing network of advanced communications have helped market expansion into different parts of the world for the same goods. For example: KFC, Levi's jeans, or hamburgers hit the markets everywhere. The result tastes-good world community who are living in cities or in villages, leading to global tastes.
• Globalization of Trade. This is manifested in the form of tariff reduction and harmonization and the elimination of various obstacles nontarif. Thus, trade and competition becomes more rapid, rigorous, and fair.
Thompson noted that the current claim globalis has occurred a rapid intensification of investment and international trade. For example, virtually the national economy has become part of the global economy is characterized by the existence of the world market forces.
Goodness of economic globalization
• Global production could be increased
This view is in accordance with the theory of 'comparative advantage' of David Ricardo. Through specialization and trade in factors of production can be used by the world more efficient, world output increased and the community would benefit from specialization and trade in the form of increased revenues, which in turn can increase spending and savings.
• Increasing prosperity in a country community
Freer trade allows people from various countries import more goods from abroad. This causes consumers have the choice of more goods. In addition, consumers can also enjoy better goods with lower prices.
• Broadening the market for domestic products
Foreign trade more freely allows each country to obtain a market much broader than the domestic market.
• Can get more capital and better technology
Capital can be obtained from foreign investment and especially enjoyed by developing countries due to lack of capital and expertise and the experience of educated faced by most developing countries.
• Provide additional funds for economic development
Development of industrial sector and various other sectors are not only developed by foreign companies, but especially through investment by domestic private companies. These domestic companies often need capital from banks or the stock market. funds from abroad, especially from developed countries who entered the money market and capital markets in the country can help provide the capital needed.
Evils of economic globalization
• Inhibit the growth of industrial sector
One effect of globalization is the development of foreign trade system more freely. These developments led to the developing countries can no longer use the Cleaner tariffs to provide protection to newly developing industries (infant industry). Thus, foreign trade more freely create barriers to developing countries to promote domestic industrial sector more quickly. In addition, reliance industries owned by multinational companies is increasing.
• aggravate the balance of payments
Globalization tends to increase imports of goods. Conversely, if a country is unable to compete, so exports are not growing. This situation can worsen the condition of balance of payments. Another adverse effect of globaliassi of payments balance of payments is the net factor income from abroad tend to be in deficit. Foreign investment increased flow causing many benefits payments (income) investment abroad is increasing. Export growth can not adversely impact on balance of payments.
• financial sector is increasingly unstable
One important effect of globalization is the drainage of investment (capital) portfolio is growing. These investments primarily include the participation of foreign funds into the stock market. When the stock market is rising, these funds will flow in, the balance of payments increased bathtub and value for money would grow better. Conversely, when stock prices decline in the stock market, domestic funds will flow out of the country, the balance of payments tends to become worse and the value of domestic currency slumped. Instability in the financial sector this can cause bad effects to the stability of overall economic activity.
• worsen the prospects of long-term economic growth
If the things stated above apply in a country, then dlam short-term economic growth becomes unstable. In the long term growth such as this will reduce the speed of economic growth. National income and employment will be slower growth and the unemployment problem can not be overcome or even worse. In the end, if the adverse effects of globalization to the prospects for long-term economic growth of a country, income distribution became increasingly unfair and socio-economic problems grew worse society.
Cultural globalization
Punk sub-culture, is an example of a growing culture of global
Globalization affects almost all aspects of local society, including cultural aspects. Culture can be defined as the values (values) are shared by society or the perceptions held by citizens of various things. Both the values and perceptions associated with psychological aspects / psychological, that is what is in mind. Psychological aspects become important if realized, that a person's behavior is strongly influenced by what is in the minds of people concerned. As one result of one's thoughts and findings are art, which is a subsystem of culture.
Globalization as a symptom of the spread of values and a particular culture throughout the world (to become the world culture or world culture) has been seen since a long time. Embryo culture from the spread of this world can be traced from the way the Western European explorers to various places in the world (Lucian W. Pye, 1966).
However, the development of intensive culture of globalization occurs at the beginning of the 20th with the development of communication technology. Contacts through the media replaces physical contact as the primary means of international communication. These changes make international communication easier, this led to more rapid development of cultural globalization.
Features of the development of cultural globalization
• The development of international cultural exchange.
• Spread the principle multikebudayaan (multiculturalism), and ease of access to an individual against other cultures outside the culture.
• The development of tourism and tourism.
• The number of immigration from one country to another.
• The development of a global fashion, such as clothes, movies and more.
• Increase the number of events at a global scale, such as the FIFA World Cup.


Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves and society.

Stage of education is education that is determined based on the level of learners' progress, objectives to be achieved, and the ability to be developed.

Early childhood education
Referring to Law No. 20 of 2003, Article 1 Point 14 of the National Education System, Early childhood education (early childhood) is a construction effort that is intended for children from birth until the age of six years that go through provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and physical and spiritual development so that children have the readiness to enter further education.
Basic education
Primary education is the beginning of education for 9 (nine) first year of school kids that underlie secondary education.
Secondary education
Secondary education is the education level of primary education. which must be at least 9 years
Higher education
Higher education is the level of education after secondary education which includes educational programs diploma, bachelor, master, doctoral, and specialists organized by the college. Subjects at university is penjurusan from high school, but should not be separated from high school lessons.
Educational material
Educational materials should be presented to meet the values of life. value includes the value of life lived well and the value of evil life. presentation of character education should not be forced on students, but give the value of life is a scientific objective. in education in Indonesia should be running on the system to Indonesia for the better.
Teacher Benefits
Allowance is wages or salaries given to employees or workers beyond the basic salary. Teacher is an educator or teacher so the teacher allowance is wages or salary given to an educator outside of the basic salary. Remote teacher allowances are allowances given to an educator who was in remote areas.
Education Line
Line of education is a vehicle through which learners to develop your own potential in an educational process in accordance with the purpose of education.
Formal Education
Formal education is education held in schools in general. This educational path has a clear educational levels, ranging from primary education, secondary education, to higher education.
Non-formal education
Non-formal education includes basic education and further education.
Basic education includes basic literacy education, functional literacy and advanced literacy most commonly found in early childhood education (early childhood), Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an (TPA), and Education for the Aged. Eradication of Illiteracy (PBA) and the program package A (equivalent to SD), package B (equivalent to B) is a basic education.
Continuing education programs include package C (equivalent SLA), courses, education advocacy, training other skills terogranisasi well executed and not organized.
Non-Formal Education also familiar Learning Community Activities Center (PKBM) as a base program that can be in one area or smaller level of village / village. PKBM the generally accepted term is the equivalent of the Community Learning Center (CLC) is a component part of the Community Center.
Informal Education
Informal education is the path of family education and the environment form independent learning activities are carried out consciously and responsibly.
Type educational
Kind of education is the group that is based on the specifics of the educational objectives of the education unit.
Public Education
Public education is the primary and secondary education which prioritizes the expansion of knowledge required by learners to continue their education to higher levels. Shape: Elementary School (SD), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), and High School (SMA).
Vocational Education
Vocational education is secondary education that prepares students primarily for work in certain areas. Form of education is a unit of Vocational High School (SMK). This type included in formal education.
Academic education is higher education undergraduate and graduate programs are directed primarily to the dominance of a particular scientific discipline.
Professional education
Professional education is a higher education after undergraduate programs that prepare students to enter a profession or become a professional.
One developed in higher education in the professions is the so-called diploma programs, starting from D1 to D4 with different concentrations of skill disciplines. Concentration of professional education where students are more directed to the interests a particular skill. In the field of expertise and professionalism in particular have Visual Communication Design majors such as Graphic Design and Design for D4 to D3 and Multimedia Design Advertising (D3). In teaching and learning in the professions of education will vary with scholarly path (S1) in each field of study.
Education advocacy
Vocation education is higher education that prepares students for a job with the maximum specific applied skills in diploma level equivalent to 4 graduate programs (stratum 1).
Religious Education
Religious education is a primary, secondary, and tertiary that prepare students to be able to run the demanding role of the acquisition of knowledge and experience of the teaching of religion and / or become religious scholars.
Special Education
Special education is education for pupils who berkelainan or students who have extraordinary intelligence conducted inclusively (joined by regular schools) or a special education unit at the level of primary and secondary education (in the form of an Extraordinary School / SLB).
Philosophy of education
Education usually begins at the time a baby is born and lasts a lifetime.
Education could have started from before the baby is born as practiced by many people to play music and read to the baby in the womb in the hope that he will be able to (teach) their baby before birth.
Many other people, the experience of everyday life more meaningful than formal education. As Mark Twain said, "I never let school interfere with my education."
Family members have a teaching role very deep - often more profound than they realize - though family teaching an unofficial run.
Quality education
There are two factors that affect the quality of education, especially in Indonesia, namely:
• internal factors, including good education ranks of the world's Department of National Education, the Education Department, and also schools that are on the front lines. In this case, interference from the parties concerned is required for education always always well maintained.
• external factors, is the society in general who are icons of education and the educational objectives of the existence of the objects of education.


Biology (life sciences) is the science of life. The term is derived from the Dutch "Biologie", which is also derived from the combination of the Greek word, βίος, bios ( "life") and λόγος, logos ( "symbol", "science"). In the past, until the 1970s, used the term life sciences (derived from Arabic, meaning "science of life").
Object of study of biology is vast and includes all living things. Therefore, the branch of biology known to many who specialize in each group of organisms, such as botany, zoology, and microbiology. Examined various aspects of life. Physical properties studied in anatomy, is its function in physiology; behavior studied in ethology, both in the present and past (learned in evolutionary biology and paleobiologi); How living things are created and studied in evolution; antarsesama beings and interaction with their environment studied in ecology;-inheritance mechanism is useful in maintaining the survival of a species living-studied in genetics.
We have even developed aspects of biology which studies the possibility of living things evolve in the future, is also the possibility of life on planets other than Earth, which is astrobiologi. Meanwhile, the development of enabling technology assessment at the level of organism constituent molecules through molecular biology and biochemistry, which many supported by the development of computational techniques through the field of bioinformatics.
Many developing biological sciences in the 19th century, the scientists discovered that organisms have basic characteristics. Biology is now the subject of school lessons and universities throughout the world, with more than a million papers are made each year in the broad composition of biological and medical journals. [1]

The origin of biological
Aristotle and the biology
Biology was pioneered by Aristotle, Greek scientists. In Aristotle's terminology, "natural philosophy" is a branch of philosophy that examines the phenomena of nature, and covers areas that are now referred to as physics, biology, and other natural sciences.
Aristotle's natural history research on the island of Lesbos. Research results, including the History of Animals, Generation of Animals, and The Animals, with some observations and interpretations, and there are myths and mistakes. The important part is about the marine life. He separated from fish, marine mammals, and knowing that the sharks and rays are part of a group he calls Selachē (selachians). [2]
Establishment of modern biology
The term biology in the modern sense seems to be introduced independently by Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus (Biologie oder Philosophie der lebenden Natur, 1802) and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (Hydrogéologie, 1802). However, real biological terms have been used in 1800 by Karl Friedrich Burdach. In fact, earlier, the term has also appeared in the title of the book Michael Christoph Hanov to 3 volumes published in 1766, the Philosophiae Naturalis Physicae Sive Dogmaticae: Geologia, Biologia, Phytologia et Dendrologia generalist.
Coverage Biology
See main article List of Branches of Biology
At present, the academic field of biology covers a very broad, in contact with the areas of science other, and often viewed as an independent science. However, subdivision of biology has always followed three dimensions perpendicular to each other: the diversity (based on groups of organisms), the organization of life (level of study of living systems), and interaction (antarunit relationships between units of life and the lives of the environment).
Division of Organisms Based Group
Living creatures or organisms are very diverse. Taxonomic study of how organisms can be grouped according to similarities and differences they had. Furthermore, the various groups gatra learned all his life, so dikenallah plant biology (botany), animal biology (zoology), biology of insects (entomology), and so on.
Division of Life Based Organization
Life took place in an organized hierarchy. Hierarchy of organisms, from the smallest to the largest studied in biology, is as follows:
• cell;
• networks;
• organ;
• organ systems;
• individuals;
• population;
• community or society;
• ecosystems; and
Subindividu studies include cell biology, anatomy and its branches (cytology, histology and organological), and physiology. More detailed division may also occur. For example, the anatomy can be devoted to each organ or system (common in medical science): Pulmonology, cardiology, neurology, etc.).
Supraindividu levels studied in ecology, which also has its own specialization, such as Eco or "environmental physiology", Phenology, and behavioral science.

Desember 07, 2009


Islam History Figures at Java

At Java found nine pioneer religious teachers and islam development warrior. They are Sunan Gresik, Sunan Ampel, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Giri, Sunan Drajat, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Kudus, Sunan Muria, and Sunan Gunung Jati. They are more popular with the title Wali Songo.

a. Sunan Gresik (Maulana Malik Ibrahim)

Sunan Gresik also known by the name of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Maulana Magribi, or Sheikh Magribi, and Jumadil Kubra. But general society at java more know it as Sunan Gresik, because he funnels islamic religion and buried at Gresik.

Sunan Gresik hovel founder pesantren first in Indonesia. He is meyebar islamic religion prudently. At that time citizen around Gresik not yet a muslim. Islamic religion distribution that done Sunan Gresik acceptable swiftly. He passes away in the year 1419 M and buried at Gresik.

b. Sunan Ampel (Raden Rahmat)

Original name Sunan Ampel Raden Rahmat. He is putera Maulana Malik Ibrahim. He is gived at Campa, acheh around year 1401 M. When does aged 20 year, Sunam Ampel migration to Java. He devolves aim and struggle Maulana Malik Ibrahim.

Sunan Ampel begin the religious proselytizing activity with establish and bring up pesantren at Ampel Denta, near Surabaya. At pesantren here's, Sunan Ampel will educate boys to will be proselytizers that be scattered to entire javas. His pupils is famous Raden Paku (Sunan Giri), Raden Fatah (kingdom first king/sultan Demak), Raden Makhdum Ibrahim (Sunan Bonang), Syarifuddin (Sunan Drajat), and Maulana Ishak.

Sunan Ampel design islam kingdom at java, that is kingdom demak. he is that lift raden fatah as first sultan demak. besides, he also impersonates big in great mosque development Demak. Sunan Ampel pass away in the year 1481 M and buried at region ampel.

c. Sunan Bonang (maulana makdum ibrahim)

Sunan bonang islam spreader at beach north east java. he is son Sunan Ampel. name other he is maulana makdum ibrahim or raden ibrahim. when still adolescent, together with Raden Paku, sunan bonang sent by Sunan Ampel to pasai to deepen theology. sepulang from there, he begins berdakwah by be teacher and missionary. he also establishes pesantren at region tuban, east java. santri that be the pupil comes from various region at archipelago.

In distribute islamic religion, sunan bonang always accustom self with java society culture type. he is assumed as javanese musical creator (song) first in order to broadcast islamic religion. sunan bonang and another guardians, use leather puppet and music gamelan as islam religious proselytizing tool. sunan bonang self creat songs for religious proselytizing activity that known by the name of javanese song durma. sunan bonang pass away year 1525 m and buried at tuban, east java.

d. Sunan Giri (Raden Paku)

Sunan giri a religious teacher menyebarakn religion at region blambangan. he is brother Sunan Gunung Jati. his original name is Raden Paku, known also by the name of prabu satmata.

When does adolescent he learn religion at hovel pesantren ampel denta that led by Sunan Ampel. with sunan bonang, he deepens theology at pasai. after return from pasai, sunan giri distribute islamic religion via various means. he establishes pesantren at region giri. sunan giri send educated religious proselytizing expert to various region outside java, among others madura, bawean, kangean, nate, and tidore. sunan giri educate children passes various game berjiwa religious, for example passes game jelungan, mouldy, gendi ferrite, sugar changes, cublak suweng, and strops.

After mobile distribute religion, he also is society leader at region giri. region mempimpinnya then round into little kingdom that nameds kingdom giri. as king giri, he haves sultan abdul faqih. he also very influential in sultanate government demak. every there important problem that must be decided, other guardians always waits for decision and the deliberation. sunan giri pass away in the year 1506. he is buried at hill giri, gresik.

e. Sunan Drajat (syarifuddin)

Sunan drajat islamic religion spreader at region sedayu, gresik, east java. he is son Sunan Ampel and younger brother sunan bonang. his original name is raden kosim or syarifuddin. but, majority society know it as sunan sedayu.

To launch religious proselytizing activity, sunan drajat creat one song kind that called mattock javanese musical. he makes sedayu as the religious proselytizing distribution area. pupils come from various archipelago area. even, there that come from nate and hitu ambon. sunan drajat very emphasized social character as islamic religion implementing of. he gives accomodation to general society and menyantuni orphan with poor poor.

f. sunan kalijaga (Raden Mas Syahid)

Original name sunan kalijaga Raden Mas Syahid. he also gets nick name syek malaya. he is son a regent tuban, named raden sahur tumenggung wilatika. sunan kalijaga known as guardian berjiwa big, berpikiran sharp, and gaze at each other far. he is berdakwah as missionary from one region to region other. because intellect the religious proselytizing, he acceptable among nobles, class cendikiawan, and administrators. he also is sultanate adviser demak.

Sunan kaligaja has vast erudition in the field of artistry and java culture. he uses leather puppet and gamelan as religious proselytizing tool. sunan kalijaga compose leather puppet story that breathe islam. besides, he also meritorious in develops art carves, clothing art, scilpture, and kesusastraan. one of [the] his work is famous song strops. this song is invitation full to enter islam.

g. Sunan Kudus (ja'far sadiq)

Sunan Kudus son raden umar pilgrim, islamic religion spreader at pumpkin region panolan, blora, east java. his original name is ja'far sadiq. when does little he usually called raden undung.

Sunan Kudus funnel islamic religion at holy region and vinicity. besides be proselytizer, Sunan Kudus also be sultanate war lord demak. he is trusted to restrain government at holy region. at area, he is government leader all at once religion leader. he is assumed as holy great mosque founder. holy mosque has beautiful tower. therefore, mosque famous by the name of holy tower mosque. Sunan Kudus pass away in the year 1550 and buried at holy city.

h. Sunan Muria (raden umar said)

Sunan muria son sunan kalijaga. the original name raden umar said. he is guardian many meritorious in funnel islamic religion at java rural district. individuality sunan muria menyiara islamic religion at remote villages. he is more like to seclude and live in village with associate with ordinary people. he educates people around mount muria. his manner funnels islamic religion with hold course for class tradesman, fishermans, and ordinary people. as his religious proselytizing tool creats javanese song sinom and kinanti.

i. Sunan Gunung Jati (syarif hidayatul)

Sunan Gunung Jati guardian many meritorious in distribute islamic religion at west java region. he stills king breed pajajaran, prabu siliwangi. the mother, nyai prohibit santang, putrid prabu siliwangi. temporary the father, maulana sultan mahmud (syarif abdul), a arabian noble. his first name is syarif hidayatul.

When does adult, syarif hidayatul choose berdakwah to java, from in menetap at soil birth it, arabian. he meets the uncle raden walangsungsang at cirebon. after the uncle passes away, he replaces the position. syarif hidayatul success increase cirebon be a sultanate.

After cirebon be islam kingdom, Sunan Gunung Jati tries to influence kingdom pajajaran not yet profess islam. from cirebon Sunan Gunung Jati develops islam to regions other like majalengka, brass, kawali (galuh), sundanese coconut, and banten. he puts base for development and islam trade at banten. when does he return to cirebon, banten extradited to putera, sultan maulana hasanuddin then demote kings banten. Sunan Gunung Jati passes away in the year 1570 m. he is buried at teak mount, cirebon, west java.

Niat Zakat Fitrah

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